Saturday, April 30, 2011

First Time Puppy Owner

    So you have decided to have a puppy as a pet…are you sure? Before actually getting one let me tell you my personal experience with my first dog. Marta, my first pup was a black fluffy mongrel given to me by my uncle. She looked so cute and adorable. The first time I had her, she cried the whole night! After getting used to her new house, she was fine (that’s after one whole week of night howling!). I was excited to teach her basic dog commands. No luck…she did not learn any.  I made sure she had regular walks for her to become sociable but she had bitten more than 5 people in her lifetime. Whenever friends visited me, or whenever I took her for a walk, I always had to make sure that she is really close to me to make sure that her teeth will not sink into anyone’s skin.

    One time, I had to leave her alone in the house for more than 8 hours. The house was chaos when I came back. My favorite watch was munched into pieces, toilet papers were everywhere, and my bedroom looked as if a tornado passed by. I was so mad I asked her to stay in one corner for 30 minutes (she obeyed for the first time, by the way).
    After two years, I graduated from college and had to work. I was travelling most of the time and could not take her with me. I had to leave her with my parents and gave her a stuffed toy to compensate for my absence. She never let anybody touch that toy except for me. She took it wherever she went and used it as her security blanket.
     I had a lot of rough times with Marta but I loved her anyway.  The night before she died, we played for hours and she almost bit someone again. She’s too loyal and she easily got jealous when I talk with other people.
     Having Marta as my pet was quite challenging and something I did not expect. You can never be too sure of a puppy’s temper.  It develops as the puppy grows up. The puppy is cute and adorable when young but could be quite difficult as it grows up. Having a puppy is like having a baby. That puppy will depend on you even when he grows up. Before adopting or buying a puppy ask yourself first, am I ready for the responsibility?


  1. That was how my cousin's dog was. It kept biting anyone who comes near her.

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.
